Statutory Instruments with Clear Reports

14 March 2022 under Standing Order 21.7

SL(6)165 – The Security and Emergency Measures (Water and Sewerage Undertakers and Water Supply Licensees) Direction 2022

Procedure: No Procedure

It appears to the Welsh Ministers in relation to Welsh water and sewerage undertakers and Welsh water supply licensees that it is requisite and expedient in the interest of national security and for the purpose of mitigating the effects of any civil emergency to give them directions under the Water Industry Act 1991.

The same applies to the Secretary of State in relation to English water and sewerage undertakers and English water supply licensees.

Water and sewerage undertakers and water supply licensees are directed to, among other things:

§  make, keep under review and revise plans to ensure, during any civil emergency or event threatening national security, the continued exercise of water supply and sewerage functions,

§  take steps to ensure they have the capability, capacity and facilities required to implement those plans,

§  identify and assess risks to the provision of water supply and sewerage functions, and put in place measures to avoid or mitigate those risks,

§  test the effectiveness of security measures, policies and practices to ensure they remain appropriate to manage security risks,

§  notify the appropriate authority (i.e. the Welsh Ministers or the Secretary of State) of any emergency or security event affecting water supply and sewerage functions.

Parent Act: Water Industry Act 1991

Date Made:

Date Laid: 28 February 2022

Coming into force date: 01 March 2022